
libkefir /lɪbkəˈfɪər/ – KErnel FIltering Rules

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All your filters in one bottle.

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About libkefir

Libkefir is a project aiming at simplifying network filtering rules management on recent Linux systems. Its main objective is to provide an interface to easily turn rules in a variety of formats into flexible, editable, ready-to-use BPF programs.

Filtering rules can be constructed ex nihilo, or can be converted from an expression coming from other filtering tools. Currently supported are expressions from:

  • ethtool receive-side ntuples filters
  • TC (Linux Traffic Control) flower classifier rules

In the future, support could be added for:

  • libpcap expressions used for example with tcpdump or Wireshark
  • iptable rules


In all pages of this documentation, “BPF” should be interpreted as “eBPF”, the “extended” 64 bit instructions BPF version with support for maps, function calls etc. Unless otherwise specified, it does not refer to the legacy “classic“ BPF.


High-level overview

Libkefir works with filters, which are sets of rules, themselves containing one or more match objects. Please refer to the Terminology section of the API documentation for more details about those terms.

A filter is a set of rules that can be converted into a BPF program, which can later be loaded and attached to the program. This entails a number of functional blocks that are provided by the library to achieve those tasks. Below is a high-level description of this different functional blocks.

See also available documentation on the Workflow for the library, where the articulation between the main blocks is more deeply addressed.

Creating rules

Before a filter can be converted and applied to a traffic flow, it first needs to be created. Libkefir provides several interfaces for building rules, and to attach them to a filter object.

One way to build a rule is to “manually” create the rule object (the C struct associated to it). Helpers in libkefir can be used to ease the creation of match objects for the rule. Once the rule is built, it can be passed to the library in order to be added to a given filter (initialized by the library).

Another way of building rules is to call into functions taking expressions from other filtering tools as arguments, and converting those strings into rule objects that can be similarly attached to a filter.

See Rule crafting and Building rules in libkefir for more details on rule creation, or Filter management for building and handling filters.

Conversion to BPF

Filters can eventually be turned into a BPF program, but this is not a direct step. A C file is produced first (although some API functions can hide this intermediary step). This C program depends on the features used by the filter (How many match objects in the rules? What fields are necessary to collect in packet headers? Does the filter use masks?). See also Converting the filter into a C program.

The second step is obviously to convert this C program into BPF bytecode. This is done by calling the clang and llc executables, that must be present on the machine. The result is an ELF object file, that can later be reused to load the BPF bytecode into the kernel. More details are provided in section Compiling to BPF, loading, attaching filters of the API documentation.

Loading and attaching the program

Functions are provided to easily load and attach the BPF program derived from the filter. These functions also take care of creating and initializing a BPF maps, in which the filtering rules are stored. Additional details on how rules are stored and applied can be found in section Packet matching. Information about the relevant functions for loading and attaching the BPF programs also are in section Compiling to BPF, loading, attaching filters of the API documentation.

Saving, restoring

Besides being converted to BPF and loaded onto the system, a filter generated with the library can be saved into an external file as a JSON object, for being restored at a later time.